Tuesday 30 September 2014

21st Century Learning and Leadership - A Narrative

     I truly believe that 21st Century Learning and Leadership can be characterized with one simple word: community.  The internet, social networking, social media, technology and communication, it has all developed into a giant community of individuals that have been linked together by a particular commonality.  These common links have spread rapidly and branched out into other links, which have connected individuals by means that many have never thought of before, or even thought possible.  We are a community of teachers, we are a community of learners, and as such, 21st Century Learning and Leadership has connected us together more effectively and has made the entire world a bit more of a smaller place for all of us to live in and connect with.

     Within all communities, individuals have different roles to play.  Those who have become adept with communication and technology have become leaders for 21st Century learning practice.  They have characterized the way we use these online tools, as well as how we can use them effectively for our own personal interests.  They are the go to’s when it comes to innovation and representation for effective communication of thoughts and ideas.  It is important to stay up to date with current technologies in order to maintain effectiveness and productivity within one’s chosen field.

    Within education, teachers and leaders have one simple goal, to educate our next generation or workers in the most efficient and effective means possible.  To do this properly, we need to embrace 21st Century tools to educate our students.  These tools provide an effective and engaging means for students to learn content, engage in inquiry, and acquire the skills that they need to become self sufficient community members.  These are the tools that they are going to need anyways once they enter today’s workforce.  The questions then lends itself, why use 21st Century tools sooner rather than later?… Because these are the tools that our learners are currently growing up with.

      With regards to social networking tools, I found that I was already using several tools that I first learned about through simple word of mouth; friends, family, and colleagues.  However, I found that there were many other social networking tools that I did not know about, or know that much about, and certainly did not know how to use.  Several of these I actually learned about while conversing with my students.  Applications such as Instagram, Dropbox, SnapChat, and even Twitter, I found my students knew more about than I did.  This is the age that they are growing up in, and as such, we as educators would be crazy to not use these tools in the classroom in order to connect with our students, and work towards building a community among our learners.   

      21st Teaching and learning within education encompasses two key focuses: connecting with our students, and connecting with our colleagues.  21st Century learning tools allow teachers to engage their students more effectively, by using these tools to communicate with students (and parents) beyond the classroom walls, present subject matter, and share student learning.  Since our students are a multitude of different learning types and styles, computer technology tools provides a means to educate all learners, with a variety of applications, software, websites, and programs that are meant to differentiate for all.  This leads to greater motivation and engagement among our students.  Likewise, 21st Century learning tools allows educators to connect with each other to share ideas, content, and pedagogy with one another.  Social networking has been a valuable asset, when sharing tools that would benefit our students.  I have found so many great ideas for my classroom and my own teaching practice over the past year, by accessing edublogs, wikis, Pinterest, and numerous other sources that could benefit the students of my classroom.

Pinterest Teaching Apps Board

     21st Century teaching and learning tools have so many upsides that could benefit education and learning.  However, it can seem overwhelming with just how many great resources and tools there are out there.  Furthermore, technology is continually evolving and changing, that it may seem hard to keep up.  The big thing for a person to remember, is that we are not alone.  This is a community, and as such, there are many places where an educator can find help.  One just sometimes needs to be pointed in the right direction.  That is where our education system and leaders in education and technology needs to focus, on making sure to send that individual in the right direction.  

1 comment:

  1. As I noted in another post to you, community, as we know it is changing and your post here, gives strong argument of why. Leaders need to embrace the changing nature of networks and use community as a growth tool, support system and mechanism for learning and supporting/empowering others.
