Wednesday 24 September 2014

Social Networking Obligations in Education

Reflection Question Is there an obligation for leaders to use social networking tools in your own organization? Should leaders be transparent?

I believe that leaders in education, and in any field realistically, do not necessarily have an obligation to use social networking tools, however they do have an obligation to stay current with the latest trends, movements, and developments in education.  Where can you find and share these developments more easily and quickly; through social networking tools.  What better way to share great ideas and network with other professionals than to connect through Twitter and pass on information through the use of websites, blogs, and wikis.  

Teaching today is about professional development, examining our own practices to ensure that we are delivering content and curriculum effectively to our students, and in such a way as to keep them motivated, interested, and engaged.  Collaboration and communication is essential for this process to reach our students, as educators need to connect with other professionals to obtain a wide variety of teaching strategies and methods.  No two students are alike, as our children are learners of all different types and intelligences.  To differentiate effectively for our students, we as educators have a responsibility to address these student needs, and as such, leaders in education must connect with each other to share information effectively.  This is where social networking becomes crucial for effective professional development.

For leaders, principals, teachers, coaches, and schools alike, the rewards of accessing social networking are already apparent.  Many schools are using Twitter and Facebook accounts to post announcements, share school updates, and let the community know about school events that are occurring.  New Milford High School in New Jersey is one such school that has taken to social networking to inform parents, students, and educators alike on the great things happening at their school.  You can access their sites below.

Bill Curry, head coach of the Georgia State football team has embraced the use of social media and social networking.  He has his own Twitter feed and Facebook page, as he, along with numerous other coaches within all sports, has discovered that any one of his recruits could be reached at any time through social media sites.  Here are the links to his pages here.

The results are significant, leaders within education and athletics have had significant results by utilizing the benefits of social media.

1 comment:

  1. Tim, you are so right. When I first ventured into social media like Twitter and blogging I was a bit nervous because it was unknown to me. However, now I see how much I have grown and learned since becoming involved in these. If nothing else, I think it can make our jobs easier or better yet, make us more effective because we don't have to come up with all the answers.
