Saturday 1 November 2014

AT Discussion on Favourite Web 2.0 Tools

       Here is a link below to a discussion I recently participated in, on some of the favourite Web 2.0 tools that educators use from around the world.  The app used here is called Voxopop, which is an online audio tool to record speaking for others to listen to.  A user can build up a threaded online audio discussion about various topics, and users can join "talk groups" to participate in guided topic discussions or just listen to others speak.

      You can click on the link here to listen to the discussion thread.

     The Web 2.0 tool that I discussed was Voicethread, a presentation tool where users can upload pictures and videos to create slideshows.  The slideshows can then be commented on by other viewers, either through audio or video feedback, and drawing and texting features are also available for user to use, while the video or slideshow is playing.   Here is a voicethread I recently created for an art activity using Vincent Van Gogh's "The Starry Night".

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