Sunday 23 November 2014

Family Math Night Presentation for Parents and Students

       The Halton District School Board has gone to extensive lengths this school year, to improve the basic math skills of its students, in an attempt to build a stronger understanding of concepts and to work towards not memorization of facts, but automatizing skills:  knowing and understanding the relationships of why and how a concept works.  Recent studies have shown that students in our board are low in terms of understanding basic facts, including rapid response to addition and subtraction facts to 20, and multiplication and division facts to times 12.  If we can build these basic skills in our students now, the results will be the application of these skills to more advanced questions, better understanding of concepts, and higher EQAO scores at the provincial level.   The following presentation is a family math night for students and parents, outlining board strategies for math concept development, tools, and technology to support all math learners.

             Agenda for the Evening

        1.  Introductions and purpose for the evening's presentation                 (5 mins.)

        2.  Introduction to Math Talks strategy, by completing a "Dot Talk".  (20 mins.)

(Note: Adapted from the Halton District School Board Presentation on Number Talks - October 2014,
Shared by Ruth Teszeri)

        3.  An Overview of various Mental Math strategies.                (10 mins.)

        4.  Video on the Open Array for Two Digit by Two Digit Multiplication.    (5 mins.)

 5.  Demonstration of the Open Array through a modeled Math Talk using Google Drawings.
                                                                                        (10 mins.)

6.   Introduction into the Dreambox Software Unit Descriptions, Lessons, and Assessments.    
                                                                                        (20 mins.)

      Dreambox Screenshot Links:      (Captured with Jing and discussed during the presentation)                       Teacher Dashboard          Classroom Summary Report                 Student Progress by Lessons                       Student Progress by Curriculum             Student Groups by Proficiency           Classroom Usage Report                Resources and Activities

7.   Time for parents and students to work with the Dreambox Software.         (20 mins.)

8.   Exit pass using Google Forms      (5 mins.)

Links to Math Resources Found on line

Ministry of Education Math  Curriculum

(Literacy Numeracy Secretariat link within this Ministry site)


Marian Small’s Website

Guide to Effective Instruction in Math

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