Saturday 12 April 2014

District/Board Policies - Digital Citizenship

   It's a fact, that our society is communicating more through the internet and through a variety of forms of social media.  As such, we have created a new type of community, an online community.  This online community needs to be addressed, both within social circles and with the classroom.  As such, a new type of digital citizenship has been established, so users of the internet can navigate it freely and safely, without impinging on the rights and freedoms of another individual.

     Digital Citizenship is a concept which helps us to understand what students/children/technology users should know in order to use technology safely and appropriately.  It is a way to prepare students and technology users for an online society, by establishing norms for appropriate and responsible technology use.  With more students bringing their own devices to school, it is important to teach young learners how one should act appropriately when online, and what to watch out for. outlines nine elements that comprise this new digital citizenship.  They include:

1) Digital Access - The ideal that the internet will eventually have full society participation
2) Digital Etiquette - A code of conduct for responsible internet use
3) Digital Law - Teaching technology users to navigate the internet responsibly
4) Digital Commerce - The ability for people to buy and sell goods and services online.
5) Digital Communication - The ability for people to communicate ideas and information freely
6) Digital Literacy - Enabling technology users to be taught and to learn how to use the internet
7) Digital Rights and Freedoms - To protect a user's right to navigate the internet responsibly
8) Digital Health and Wellness - Promoting internet use without the risk of harm or abuse
9) Digital Security - Self-Protection against harmful threats

     The ultimate goal of internet and social media use is full participation with minimal risk. provides tips to teens, parents, and teachers on how to navigate social media safely and responsibly. 

Digital Citizenship Tips for Teens

For teens, we offer five simple rules of digital citizenship to help them create a world they can be proud of -- and inspire others to do the same.

Think before you post or text -- a bad reputation could be just a click away

What goes around comes around. If you want your privacy respected, respect others' privacy. Posting an embarrassing photo or forwarding a friend’s private text without asking can cause unintended hurt or damage to others.

Spread heart, not hurt. If you wouldn’t say it in person, don’t say it online. Stand up for those who are bullied or harassed, and let them know that you’re there for them.

Give and get credit. We’re all proud of what we create. Illegal downloading, digital cheating, and cutting and pasting other people’s stuff may be easy, but that doesn’t make it right. You have the responsibility to respect other people’s creative work -- and the right to have your own work respected.

Make this a world you want to live in. Spread the good stuff. Create, share, tag, comment, and contribute to the online world in positive ways.

Digital Citizenship Tips for Parents and Teachers

The Internet’s not written in pencil. It’s written in pen. What teens do online spreads fast and lasts long. Remind them to think before they post.

Nothing is as private as they think. Anything teens say or do can be copied, pasted, and sent to gazillions of people in a heartbeat. Make sure kids use privacy settings and that they understand that the best way to protect their secrets is not to post personal stuff.

Kindness counts. The anonymity of the digital world can lead kids to say and do things online that they wouldn’t in person. Encourage them to communicate kindly, stand up for others, and build positive online relationships rooted in respect.

Digital cheating is still cheating. Right and wrong extend to online and mobile life. Impart your values, and tell kids not to plagiarize, download illegally, or use technology to cheat in school.

Embrace their world. None of us wants technology to isolate us from our kids. Do some homework, and ask kids to share the sites they visit, the songs they download, the gadgets they love. It’s up to us to join the fun and help them seize the potential.

For a printable poster on the Do's and Don'ts of online conduct, here is a link to follow:

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