Tuesday 1 April 2014

Social Networking and Twitter

Here is the link to my twitter account.  I will be adding some educational lists shortly.


How can teachers use/teach social networking tools in the classroom with or without a 
or device? 

      Social Networking tools, such as twitter can be a valuable educational asset within 
the classroom in facilitating student development.  Twitter comments can be used across 
numerous subjects and strands within our educational practice.  Using twitter "lingo", 
students can ask general questions in class, or even address them to specific students 
using @ signs.  In guided reading groups, students can comment on chapters of books, 
and generate follow up topics or questions for research purposes using # hashtags. 
All of these can be accomplished, without the need for a computer or personal device.

     The key to transitioning to this type of communication into the classroom, is first 
teaching students how it works.  Programs like twitter or instagram or meant to share 
short messages and pictures.  Both utilize @ symbols and # hashtags to direct the 
information to a particular person or group, and to share this information with specific 
groups, that is later searchable.  Once students understand how this works, they can 
begin to use it more in the classroom, both on the computer or personal device, and 
through more traditional classroom learning.  

      During Literature Circles, a student can direct pose a question during the discussion, 
and target it to members of his or her group.  Science presentations on Biodiversity, can 
use hashtags to list the specific plants and animals that will be discussed during the 
presentation.  All of this can be done without a computer.  Twitter itself can be used to 
ask a teacher questions when preparing for a math test, or share information on Canada 
using hashtags, that peers can later search and learn about.  Most social media 
applications use this type of system (twitter, instagram, delicious, soundcloud, etc), and 
teaching students this type of lingo, can open a lot of doors for students to explore 
different forms of social media to enhance their learning experience.


  1. Hi Tim, I enjoyed reading your post. I am new to teaching and new to twitter as well. I haven't done much hash tagging but I love the idea about using them during presentations to encourage further research on a topic.
    I am a P/J graduate so I would imagine if I use twitter in my classroom I will likely be using it with my students in class rather then encouraging them to use it at home.
    I was just wondering if you have used twitter much in your own classroom, and what grades you may have used it with?

  2. Hi Tim, just like Jessica, I am also new to twitter. I actually haven't used it at all before, on my own or in the classroom. I really need to familiarize myself with this tool in order for my students to benefit from using it. I can definitely see the benefits from reading your post. When it comes to a technology tool, I would like to know more than my students. I want to model proper use before they use it. Thank you for the ideas in your last paragraph. I will definitely keep your post in mind when I explore twitter in more detail.
    I also wonder how much you have used twitter in the classroom? If so, what successes have you encountered?
